Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Trip to The Movies that turned out to be so much more

A quick trip to the movies turned out to be quite the experience.

The weather was shitty so I called this girl I know for a matinée of "There Will Be Blood". We hopped on the bus to Bondi Junction (10 minutes away) to the big Westfield Mall. She was a jersey girl and a mall aficionado. You might say she was in heaven. (Why is everyone from Jersey exactly the same?)

The movie theater was on the 6th and top floor of the mall. We shot up the escalator until we got to floor #5.

That is when my mouth dropped and I found myself in complete awe.

It takes a lot to blow me away. It's usually not a celebrity or star athlete as much as when I see someone wearing a really obscure NBA jersey that I get truly excited.

But there it was. The most amazing sight I had seen since my travels began.

It was the most gorgeous view. It was so bright and so sharp that it could cut glass. There it was in neon lights with beautiful purple trim...


It took me two weeks to find my first Momo sighting. But there is was, the bar lounge right outside of the movie theater entrance.

Most of you should catch the reference, but for those that don't, Momo is the last name of my oldest friend, Ben Momo, the midfielder to my goal-hanging forward in West Side Soccer when we were 6 years old. His name has become legendary over the years, a fixture in the New York City Prep School Hall of Fame. I didn't have my camera on me, but lets just say, I will be back to secure my many photos with the landmark.


Of course the movie I wanted to see wasn't starting in Australia till Saturday, even though apparently all movies there start on Thursdays. Bullocks.

So we had two options.

Charlie Wilson's War or Fools Gold.

I didn't really care which one to ...Or did I? I purposely let the girl I was with choose knowing that she would go for the girl's choice.

Fool's Gold- A romantic comedy in which Kate Hudson and Matthew Mcconaughey mend their relationship while searching for treasure...YES!

It didn't matter though. Kate Hudson is my #1. (I caught Raising Helen in the theaters...Sorry Dad)

And I legitimately liked How To Lost a Guy in 10 Days. Hudson and Mcconaughey have a chemistry that I haven't seen since Woody and Wesley.

But still, my expectations were rather low.

And lets just say, my expectations were barely met. The movie was 2 hours of pretty unentertaining junk. But there was a lot of Kate Hudson in a bikini...


Yeah, the movie wasn't all that great but the experience sure was an eye-opener.

First off, we had assigned seats. We paid for the tickets and our concessions in the same place .

$16 Fucking dollars for a movie ticket. My student id card knocked the price down to $12. It made New York feel like Tempe, AZ.

Additionally, I hadn't eaten lunch so my plan was to load up on movie theater snacks.

$17 later and I had myself a soda, popcorn and an M & M's.

You might say that the $30 some odd dollars it cost me to see a lousy movie would not be worth it.

But the site of those two precious syllables, Mo and Mo- made it all worth it and then some.


PS- apologies for the series of grammatical errors and one line paragraphs. The editing is where Bart and formerly Lucy usually come in to help me out.

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